Table of Contents

  Author's Note
1. The Oddysey of Creation
2. Awareness
3. Landing
4. The Concept of Time
5. Fusion - Relationships
6. Learning to Be Human
7. Expanding the Dream
8. Integration
9. Cognitive Realities
10. A Shift in Consciousness
11. Global Fusion
12. Understanding the Planetary Myth
(extended version)
13. The Collective Human and Beyond
(Declaration of Interdependence)


From "A Shift in Consciousness"

"Imagination is a current moving through Cosmic Consciousness - Universe. It's the energy of a thought that creates the reality you want. Every Vision is Real. The dimensions of human reality can be symbolically measured if the person centers himself or herself in the surrounding creation, giving the impression that 'man is the center of the Universe.' That's true for every person, but not for the species itself. The Universe of every person equals the Life of each individual. Each person's philosophy is their own, and should not be taken literally by another individual. The Awareness of every person is a priority in the evolution of earthly Awareness.

"Spiritually, Awareness has no borders, but scientifically, Awareness is differentiated by phases or dimensions. Although humans perceive earthly reality as a three-dimensional environment, that doesn't necessarily mean that Human Consciousness is in the third phase of Awareness. The Forms of Relationships people have on Earth are bidirectional for the sake of self-protection. For thousands of years behaviors changed, but the direction has remained the same."


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